Youth Programs
At Big Island Bouldering, we aim to create a fun, engaging, learning and confidence building environment for all, especially youth climbers!
We have a dedicated youth bouldering area and offer a variety of programs for kids including:
Homeschool/Co-op Club: For the homeschool community looking for fun and engaging fitness activities and a space for their kids to make friends!​
Birthday Parties: Celebrating that special day
Join us at Big Island Bouldering for climbing, fun and games!
Summer Camps: Nothing to do over the summer?!?! ;-) Help your kids stay active and learn new skills, by signing them up for our exciting summer camps!
​​​​Parents Night Out (PNO): Looking for a night out on the town, while your kids have fun climbing? Check out our Parents Night Out (PNO) program.
After School + Weekend Programming: Looking for after school and weekend climbing time for the kids? We have great program options for your kids to stay active and learn new skills!​
Climbing Team: Looking for a club/team for your kids to join, develop their skills and make new friends? We have various teams for all skill levels.
Climbing Team Options:
The Ascenders: Our smallest age group of climbers!
Club/Beginner: This team will be learning the basics of climbing.
Intermediate: This team will be privier to climbing, and on their way to advancing their techniques.
Advanced/Competition: This team will be aiming to advance their technical & strength climbing level and/or to compete at an advanced level in and at competitions.
​*Dates & times tentative, based upon our opening schedule.